Well, that was quick. I now have Things To Do, and there is Stuff - mass quantities of stuff - to get accomplished.* What are these things and stuffs you might ask? Well, mumble mumble mumble and it is very important, I say!
Don’t tell anyone, but my workload is actually quite glorious. Today I am going to write, because I want to. And, and! Some of the stuff I write I might get paid for. This causes a Glorious Positive Feedback Loop in which I have time so I can write and sometimes people buy it so I have money so I have time and so I can write!**
Everyone continue on with your regularly scheduled Enjoyment of Life now. I’m having a grand time playing with social media, so fully expect to see rationalizations about how this can be considered Work in some convoluted, stretched out definition of word-of-mouth marketing for not yet finished manuscripts.***
*Okay, for a normal human being, I don't actually have much Stuff To Do at all. But I’m doing more than yesterday, so it feels like a ginormous to do list.
**Observant readers will note that the Glorious Positive Feedback Loop does not in this current iteration consist of sufficient complexity to include an editing phase. My Inner Editor mourns with you and laments the existence of the footnoted sentence above as Exhibit One.^
***I’m going to have to work on that one. Even I don’t believe me. Yet.
^One’s Inner Editor has heard of the Legendary Being known as the Inner Spellchecker, but a certain Joelle Presby has never been graced with that angelic power. Microsoft Spellcheck is the first step in a much longed for cyborg brain augmentation.