Please enjoy your delicious homemade pies you True Devotees of Pi. (And then please also make me a pie when next I see you.) I will be pie-less and crying at 3-14-15 9:26 tomorrow. Remember, I'll be totally and completely distraught. (Except for the fact that America is the Land of Pie, so I'll be in the McDonald's drive through achieving road trip Pi nirvana.) But ignore that parenthetical. Think of me as crying, because then you'll feel sorry for me and I'll get more pie. More pie is definitely the goal. Look at my empty Pi pie plate. Feel my pain! Let the pie rain down from the heavens!
And to everyone else who was considering ignoring the Pi Day of the Century in favor of that Irish holiday, I say to you: Pi can be green and Pi can be Irish. Enjoy some shepherd’s pie tomorrow with your green beer and Celebrate All The Things! (Also bring me pie. I don't care if it's green.)